Paying for Meals

We encourage parents/guardians to take advantage of the option to prepay your child's account.  Prepaid meal accounts help the lunch lines go faster and gives the child more time to eat, relax and socialize. We currently offer two convenient ways to prepay for your student's meal account.

Online Payments

Online payments are a simple, safe and secure way to make payments to your student's account 24 hours a day at your convenience.  There is currently a 4.75% fee that will be added as part of this convenient electronic service. Registering online with MyPaymentsPlus allows you to view your student's account balances, purchases and payment history online, and even receive low balance alerts, or enroll in autopay. You do not have to make prepayments to use these features.

You can add payments through MyPaymentsPlus either through their website or via the MyPaymentsPlus app available in the Apple App Store. 

Send Check or Cash

You can always bring money (cash or check) personally or send it with your student.

For elementary schools, please place it in an envelope marked clearly with your student's name, their student ID number, their teacher's name, and the dollar amount.

We do not accept counter or starter checks that do not have a check number, account number, or a name imprinted on them. Include the student’s first and last name and student ID # on the check. Turn in prepaid deposits to the cafeteria cashier(s) or school office.

Charge Policy

Parents or Guardians are responsible to ensure children have an adequate lunch from home or sufficient funds to purchase school meals. We understand that situations arise and a child may not have funds for the day. To ensure students do not go hungry, Pickens County School Administration has a charge policy in place that allows students without adequate funds to charge meals. This benefit is to allow time for the notification of parents to provide the needed funds to cover meals.

View our Charge Policy here.

School Meal Prices

During the 2024-2025 School Year, households that qualify for reduced meal benefits will not be required to pay the reduced price $0.30 for breakfast and the $0.40 for lunch due to the State of Georgia budget covering these costs.

School Level









Junior High



High School



Faculty & Staff






Need Assistance Paying for Meals?

Free and reduced price meals are available to families who believe they may qualify. You only need to complete one application per family and the information you give will be used to determine or prove your child's eligibility for free or reduced-price meals.  For more information, please visit Free and Reduced Meals.

Want to Help a Family in Need?

Many families are finding it difficult to pay for school meals.  Especially hard hit are those households that do not qualify for free or reduced meal benefits, but due to inflation they just can’t keep up with increased expenses to run their household and depend on the schools to provide a balanced meal for their child. For that reason we have set up the Angel Fund to help cover the costs of meals for students in need.