Angel Fund

Pickens County School Nutrition Services Introduces an Angel Fund

Introducing a secure electronic platform to help wipe out school meal debt for families in need. 

Many families are finding it difficult to pay for school meals.  Especially hard hit are those households that do not qualify for free or reduced meal benefits, but due to inflation they just can’t keep up with increased expenses to run their household and depend on the schools to provide a balanced meal for their child. 

Here's how to help...

We have set up an Angel Fund account to accept donations at MyPaymentsPlus to help cover the cost of meals for students in need. If you don’t already have an account you will need to register.  Once registered navigate to "Events & Activities" to access the Angel Fund.

Donations can also be sent to the Pickens County School Nutrition Department located at the 100 D.B. Carroll Street, Jasper, GA  30143.  Please make checks out to Pickens County School Nutrition-Angel Fund.

Your donations will make an impact for so many families in the Pickens County school district.  The donations are placed in the School Food Service house account and applied to student meal debt remaining on account at the end of the school year for those families in need.  Any funds remaining in the house account will roll over to the next school year to assist additional students.

Thank you for your generous support of our students!

For additional information, contact Tami Goode, School Nutrition Accounting Specialist at (706) 253-1700.