Wellness Policy

Board Policy EEE-Wellness Program  provides the framework our school district uses to promote students' health, well-being and ability to learn.  Each school has a local wellness plan and a Local Wellness Committee (LWC).  The Local Wellness Committees assess the school health environment, programs and policies in place and identify ways to strengthen these to improve the health of students and staff.

District Wellness Regulation EEE-R Wellness Program

The District Wellness Regulation identifies the four (4) required Wellness Policy component goals each Local Education Agency is to strive for:

  • Nutrition Standards

  • Nutrition Education and Promotion

  • Physical Education and Physical Activity Goals

  • Other School Based Activities- This includes marketing and advertising appropriate nutrition messages.

Smart Snack Rule

All foods and beverages sold on the school campus during the school day must meet Smart Snacks in School Nutrition Standards.

Competitive Foods Fundraising Guidelines

All schools shall ensure that food and beverage fundraisers, at a minimum, meet the requirements as outlined in the Nutrition Standards for All Food Sold in Schools as required by the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010. Read the Competitive Foods Fundraising Guidelines here. See the Exempt Fundraiser Tracking Sheet for schools for additional help.

Triennial Assessment

Every three (3) years an assessment is conducted to determine the extent to which schools comply with:

  • The Local Wellness Policy (LWP)

  • How the LWP compares to model local school wellness policies

  • The progress made in attaining the goals of the LWP

View our Triennial Assessment for Pickens County.

PCSD Local Wellness Policy/Program Regulation comparison to "model" wellness policy.

Additional Fundraising Resources

When it comes to fundraising at your school it’s easy to go straight to food. But there are so many other creative and fun alternatives that will help raise the necessary funds.