Student Attendance

One vital aspect of academic achievement is student attendance. When students are absent they miss the school engagement that occurs in a classroom. They miss the opportunity to participate in activities and to ask questions. Success in school requires regular, punctual attendance. Regular attendance has been linked to higher achievement, stronger bonds to the school and community, lower rates of delinquent and high-risk behavior, and increased participation in higher education.

Families, schools and communities must work together to support school attendance. Nothing can lead to positive results more than working collaboratively to improve academic achievement. Parents who make regular school attendance a priority are also helping their children learn to accept responsibility. Attendance patterns are formed early in life and have an impact throughout a child’s academic career and in the workforce. Together, we can build a community that supports, prepares and inspires all students to contribute and excel.

Tips for Improving Attendance

  1. Good attendance benefits your child’s education. Students who miss a day of school not only miss instruction but must make up missed work and catch up with new material at the same time. To improve attendance, make education a family priority and emphasize the important role education plays throughout life.

  2. The school bus is a consistent way to ensure your child arrives at school in a timely manner. Arriving late can be disruptive for your child, the teacher and the other children in the class.

  3. Monitor your child’s attendance through the Parent Portal to keep track of absences. If an absence is marked incorrectly please contact the school attendance data clerk. Students must submit a note or parents must fax or email to the school within 5 school days for the student’s absence to be considered excused.

  4. There are 180 school days out of 365 days in a year; therefore, families are encouraged to take vacations during the summer recess or other school breaks throughout the year. Vacations are not considered excused absences.

  5. Keep in mind that patterns are formed early. It is more difficult to break a bad habit (children begging to stay home from school “just this once”) than saying “no” in the beginning.

  6. If there are reasons why your child is not coming to school (school phobia, relationships with peers, academic difficulties), please contact your school counselor so that the underlying issue can be addressed.