New Hire Information
Welcome to the team at Pickens County School District! We want to build a relationship and have a solid communication line with all new hires.
Alex Prince will be your main point of contact for onboarding. You should have received an email from Alex via Frontline/Applitrack (where you submitted your job application) with the information we will need you to complete, including the forms. Please note, you do not need to fill out any form twice.
If you have any issues getting us this information, we will be happy to go over this paperwork with you in person. If you'd like to discuss your options, feel free to call Alex Prince at (706) 299-2934 or
Criminal Background Check
All New Hires are required to have a criminal background check completed for their new position. You will get this done at the Jasper Police Department. Please contact Alex Prince with your preferred day and time to have this completed and she will get your background check scheduled.
Jasper Police Department does background checks on most Wednesdays - Fridays from 8:30am-4:30pm and close for lunch from 11:30am-1pm. The address for Jasper Police Department is 55 GG Lovell Street, Jasper GA 30143.
Should you need to cancel due to an extenuating circumstance please reach out to Alex Prince as soon as possible so that it can be communicated with the Jasper Police Department.
The district will cover the $55 cost of the background check.
Direct Deposit Form
Please fill out and deliver the Direct Deposit Form to our central office and be sure to attach a voided check or letter from your bank accompanying the form. Even if you believe we already have this information from years past, please submit new forms. NOTE: This must be done in person for security purposes.
Tax Forms
Employee's Withholding Certificate (W-4)
State of Georgia Employee's Withholding Allowance (G-4)
Employment Eligibility Verification (I-9) and (2) forms of identification
Verification of Experience Forms
Get Verification of Work Experience forms from all former employers. Please fill out Part A and have ALL your past school district employers complete the form and return it as soon as possible. We can only verify years of experience based on these forms. Employees will be placed on step 0 until we get verification forms.
Contract Status
We need to know if you have already signed a contract for the coming school year. If yes, can you will need to provide a copy of your Release from Contract from your current employer to get a contract with the Pickens County School District.
School Email
You should be getting information from Information Technology on setting up your school email.
Employee Handbook
Review the Employee Handbook. You are responsible for all information in the Handbook.
Staff Portal
All of our Employee information is readily available in Google Drive or through our PCSD Staff Portal. Please download the App to your phone ( If you are on your phone, when you click the link you should have an alert telling you to hit the Up button at the bottom and click "Add to Home Screen". You will then have to log in. Log in using your school email and it should send you a pin. You must be logged in to use the app to access employee information.
Vector Solutions
VectorSolutions is our service that provides all mandatory training. You will soon get emails from VectorSolutions getting you to login to complete training (Child Abuse, Mandated Reporting, FERPA, etc.). This is a requirement of all employees in the school system.
We will be contacting you regarding your benefit options. You have 31 days from your hire date to elect or decline coverage. If you fail to enroll within 31 days, you will forfeit coverage and will not have the opportunity to enroll again until Open Enrollment (effective the next January) outside of having a qualifying event. If for some reason you do not wish to enroll in any of our insurance offerings at this time, please register and choose "no coverage" or "waive coverage".
We are excited to have you on our team. Please let us know if we can do anything to make your transition easier.